Page name: Occult city [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-22 03:32:02
Last author: shadows of life
Owner: shadows of life
# of watchers: 12
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Occult city


There this city in the in the middle of a wasteland and it’s surrounded by a forest but no one knows about it. Well on one ‘normal’ knows about it.the people who lives in this city have came here to get away from the others who dislike them and to stop hiding who they really are. This is Occult city. On the streets you can anything from a vampire to a werewolf and maybe a few humans with hiding powers

The creator of the city of the occult had come back after so much time since the had made the city, they don’t like how the city was turn out and they are going to restore it back it former glory. When they left the city it was a blight city of it people. That was growing bigger what they thought was the best city for occult beings the didn’t think that would become this run down city with few people what was almost ways in trouble
OC creators

~if you what to join this please send you'er character's picture and bio to me [shadows of life] and no more them two powers~

all characters will be put at Occult city characters
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2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (bara) *smiles at her* yes it is i don't want to be a vampire yet

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* Yet? Oh my...You'll have to find someone else to change you dear..I can't be bothered with a fledgling..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i don't want to be a vampire well not right now

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yeah we're taking the scenic rout if you dont want to i can transport us there"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Good..Because I don't want to turn you *Grins* (Nikki) *Laughs* I always used to use that phrase when I got lost wit- *Stutters slightly* Uh nah I don't wanna transport there thanks *Grins*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (bara) i didn't think you want to

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "hmmmm" looks at her "what phrase"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Smiles you thought right..Although i'd happily bite .. *Laughs* (Nikki) "We're not lost, just taking the scenic route"

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "oh" laughs reaching the lake "see told you" sits on the bank

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles* so are going to a bar?

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smirks and sits besides him* Fair enough..*starts picking at the grass with both hands absently* (Grace) *Smiles* Uhhh...I don't know *grins*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) Well you pick it

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Shrugs and flops down to the ground* we could go anywhere..Name a bar or place you wanna go to?

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: smiles at her laying back on the grass

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and sitso n his stomach sideways with a grin* Comfortable..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yeah i am" puts his arms loosly around her

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i can't i'm still new here

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *rolls her eyes playfully* Useless Bara *grins* (nikki) *Laughs* How can you be with a lump like me sat on your stomach? Least..When I last looked at myself properly I was a lump..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara)*smirks*

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "you are not a lump luv, and if you wish to be called a lump ypur a very attractive lump"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* That's rather sweet Keto..But honestly..I'm not tha attractive..*Grins* (Grace) *Smiles and lays in down in the middle of the road* So!

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "you are to me my luv" holds her close

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) your lucky there no cars around her

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *Grins* That'd jus make it more fun..I could be road kill! *laughs* (nikki) *smiles* But you're daft dear..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "huh i know you told me what daft was once before but i have forgotten" laughs

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* I'll let you obsess over it a while..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: laughs then looks at her thinking of what she said earlier "Nikki I dont want to be just a 'great friend' I want to be so much more to you"

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: sure you could *she start walking done the road*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* Leaving me so soon Bara? (Nikki) *Her smile falters as she looks at him and, after establishing the he isn't joking slides off his stomach and looks atthe ground hugging her knees slently*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i wouldn't be leaving if you came with me

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks at her relizing that she didnt feel the same way looks to the ground "I I'm sorry Nikki" stands up and turnd to walks away

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grabs his wrist quickly but still stays silent, focusing on the same spot* (grace) But i'm too tired to walkkkk..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) then use something use to move

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) Nahh..I'll jus lay here for a while maytee..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks back at her stopping

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Keeps a tight hold on his wrist and whispers softly* Stay with me..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: walks back over sitting beside her

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) then i'll move you *smirks and pick her with vines*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs closing her eyes* Can let me rest anywhere in peace huh? (nikki) *Leans her head on his shoulder still whispering* It's not that I don't love you..I'm just ..confused..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: puts an arm around her"its ok luv I understand"

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara)i can't i don't want to go to a bar i don't know along

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Alright then if you insist...(nikki) *Nods slightly her eyes not moving*

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "I'm so sorry Nikki"

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i do insist

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (GracE) *Laughs* Okay.. (Nikki) *Shakes her head slightly and turns her head to look at him* Don't be..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks at her "I have made things complicated for you and I never meant to"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (nikki) *smiles softly and him and shrugs* It's okay.. things arenever not complicated..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: he looks at the ground

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Puts her arms aroundhim and hugs him lightly* i'm sorry..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: hugs her "its not your fault Nikki its mine, I should have known somone as wonderful as you would be in love with somone"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *shakes her head and pulls back a little looking at him* No..It's notlike that..And..I'm certainly not wonderful..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yes you are Nikki, your the most wonderful person i know"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I'm not..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yes you are Nikki" smiles at her "believe me"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles slightly and shakes her head a little but stays quiet*

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: holds her close

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles softly and tilts her head to look up at you*

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: smiles down at her running his fingers through her hair

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) ok then *start walking*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) Looks down slightly but stays where she is getting lost in her thoughts. (Grace) *laughs and lays across the vines* take a left up here..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: starts thinking and stares at the sky

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) sure *she does*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *smiles and jumps down next to her* I think we keeps going straight here..(Nikki) Keto...Why are some people such horrible things?

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i'm just going to follow you

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "hmmmmm" looks at her "well I can't answer that question Nikki, because I dont know the answer"

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) Heh..Shame..(grace) *Grins* but I could lead you anywhere Bara..

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "why were you wanting to know Nikki, because I'm pretty sure almost noone could answer that"

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah but where the worses you could take me?

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (nikki) *Shrugs slightly and stays silent* (Grace) *Laughs* Umm..I don't know..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i thought so *smirks*

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks at the sky once more

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *stands out of Keto's arms and slips out of her dress and into the water, swimming to the bottom and sitting there relaxing slightly* (Grace) *Laughs* How about a male stippers club?

2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: watches her laying on the back

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Looks up at him with a smile on her face and waves*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (bara) are you sure you would get in?

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Easy..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) so you did this before?

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Nope..And I don't want to now..I was jus trying to think of somewhere you might not like..*Grins*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) are you sure? *smirks*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* About which part?

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) that you have been to a club

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smirks* Very sure. I have better things to do with my time..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: i bet *smirks and walks off*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: **shakes her head and stops, laughing*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *she smirks and looks back at her*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles and starts walking again, past her and then right*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *she walks with her*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles at her* drink much or very little?

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: it depends on what it is

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *shrugs* Wondered and all with your age...

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: and what about my age?

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well you said you were 21 yes? Well Some your age drink a lot..Some don't, I was just wondering how big my bill was gonna be, or if I was jus gonna have to play a few tricks..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: Well if your paying i'm going to drink a lot

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins* fine.

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *smiles* good

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs, Grabbing her arm* You were meant to turn here..*smirks and pulls her in the right direction*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *follows her*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and stops* Here..This place should do..

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *smiles* ok then *walks in*

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *walks in after her and takes a seat* I'll let you order for me..*laughs*

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *looks over at her* what are you going to get me?

2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *grins* You can get something for you too if you like..I'll pay later.

2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: sure

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and rocks back in her seat* I'll leave it to you to order then..*smiles*

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *looks at her* sure

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Calls over a waiter and looks to bara*

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *looks up at her and orders*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles as the waier walks away* like it here? It's one of the better ones to be honest..

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: yeah it nice here

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiels* Good..

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *smiles* yup

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: So..What now?

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *shrugs*

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles taking off his jacket and shirt diving in

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Laughs and swims past him to the surface* (Grace) *smirks* Useful arent we?

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah i am

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: follows her up to the suface smiling

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) Maybe you are *Grins* I ain't... (Nikki) *Grins at him and splashes water over Keto*

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: laughs splashing Nikki

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) well maybe

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *grins* Right.. (nikki) *Smiles and pushes him under then swims after him*

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah so where are drinks

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *shrugs* Call em over..

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles and swims to the bottom waiting for her

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *the drink comes over*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *swims after him and sticks her tongue out* (Grace) *Laughs* Uh..which is mine?

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: swims up to her wraping his arms around her

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) there both the same *he smirks and looks over at her*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smiles slightly and hugs him loosely* (grace) *smiles and takes one* thanks..

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles wanting to kiss her

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) welcome *smiles and take her*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grinsand spins in his arms* ~I just love the water..~ *Stops and looks at him* ~Dont you?~ (Grace) *grins* So what's in it?

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) what ever is in beer *smirks*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *smirks and gulps hers down setting it on the table* Fair enough.

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~yeah I do~ smiles taking her hand spinning her around

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *she smiles*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins at him brightly and hugs him*

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: hugs her smiling at her

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles slying and pulls away from him before swimming away* ~You're it Keto...~

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: laughs swimming after her

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and watches him over her shoulder increasing her speed*

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles using the water to slow her down

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smirks and breaks his control sliding easily through the water*

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~very good my luv~ speeds up and grabs hold of her hand

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins and pulls her hand from his increasing her speed, cutting through the water easily* ~Oh yeah??~

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~your it luv~ swims the oppisite way

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles slightly and appears in front of him moving to the side tapping him with her foot and swimming away * (Grace) *smiles at her* you arent a lightweight are you?

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~hey~ appears infront of her wrapping his arms around her

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) what you mean?

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *grins up at him tilting her head innocently* ~Whaat?~ (grace) Do you get drunk easily?

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~nothing luv~ smiles kissing her lovingly

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) nope *smiles and take a drink*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Blushes brightly and kisses him back a little before turning her head to the side slightly* ~What was that for?~ (Grace) *Laughs* Then you aren't a lightweight..

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~it was because I love you Nikki~ looks at her

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Blushes slightly more and looks down* ~Oh ..Yeah..I remember now..~

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles and finishes her* you know what?

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~rember what my luv~

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~Uh..I forget things sometimes when i'm in the water, out of my enjoyment and that...~ (grace) *Smirks* What?

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~oh~ laughs alittle feeling alittle hurt blocking his thoughts ~how could she forget that I loved her~

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) some plants make the beer better

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Is that so? (Nikki) ~I#m sorry..And dont ask what for..I can see it on your face..I didnt mean it like that~

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~you don't have to be sorry~

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~Well I am~

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles* yes that is

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* You'll have to prove that to me..

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles loosining his grip

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~Keto..I didn't mean it like that..~

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) maybe i have

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Raises a brow* and what plants might these be?

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~I didnt say you did Niki~

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) what in the beer

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~You didn't have to..but you did block your mind..And it was plainly written over your face..~ *smiles slightly* (grace) *Laughs* Yep! (ByE))

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) just beer *smiles* ((see you))

2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~Nikki its just that~ goes silent (bye)

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Hii)) (nikki) ~Just that..?~ (Grace) *Laughs* Okay..

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((hey bara?))

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Eek. NOT MY FAULT!)

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((ok)) *smiles(

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Kinda hyperish)) so..another?

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((i see)) sure *order more*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ i wont be on for two weeks after tonight btw lol)) *smiles and drinsk half hers easily* i drink fast..By the way *smirks*

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((Why?)) that good *she smirks*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Holidayyyy! ^_^)) *Laughs* Why?

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((cool) your paying

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Mhmm very.)) *Laughs and shrugs* Oh well..*drinks the rest of hers* Bring it on..

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: when you get drunk? *smirks and downs her*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *grins* It will take a very long time..

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: what if it blood for a drunk

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well that would get me tipsy easily *Laughs*

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *smirks* be right back *walks up to the bar*

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* right..

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *walks back with a glass* this is for you

2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *grins and looks into it and sniffs it a little* Planning on getting me drunk bara?

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: no *she smiles and sit down* come just drink it

2007-08-10 [Empty~Soul]: ((woohoo i got to dye my hair black!!))

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((cool))

2007-08-10 [Empty~Soul]: ((^_^)) (luna) *jumps off a roof and walks to the park*

2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Kato) hey sweetie

2007-08-10 [Empty~Soul]: (luna) hello luv

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