# of watchers: 12
| D20: 10 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (bara) *smiles at her* yes it is i don't want to be a vampire yet
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* Yet? Oh my...You'll have to find someone else to change you dear..I can't be bothered with a fledgling..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i don't want to be a vampire well not right now
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yeah we're taking the scenic rout if you dont want to i can transport us there"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Good..Because I don't want to turn you *Grins* (Nikki) *Laughs* I always used to use that phrase when I got lost wit- *Stutters slightly* Uh nah I don't wanna transport there thanks *Grins*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (bara) i didn't think you want to
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "hmmmm" looks at her "what phrase"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Smiles you thought right..Althoug
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "oh" laughs reaching the lake "see told you" sits on the bank
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles* so are going to a bar?
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smirks and sits besides him* Fair enough..*start
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) Well you pick it
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Shrugs and flops down to the ground* we could go anywhere..Name a bar or place you wanna go to?
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: smiles at her laying back on the grass
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and sitso n his stomach sideways with a grin* Comfortable..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yeah i am" puts his arms loosly around her
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i can't i'm still new here
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *rolls her eyes playfully* Useless Bara *grins* (nikki) *Laughs* How can you be with a lump like me sat on your stomach? Least..When I last looked at myself properly I was a lump..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara)*smirks*
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "you are not a lump luv, and if you wish to be called a lump ypur a very attractive lump"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* That's rather sweet Keto..But honestly..I'm not tha attractive..*G
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "you are to me my luv" holds her close
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) your lucky there no cars around her
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *Grins* That'd jus make it more fun..I could be road kill! *laughs* (nikki) *smiles* But you're daft dear..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "huh i know you told me what daft was once before but i have forgotten" laughs
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* I'll let you obsess over it a while..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: laughs then looks at her thinking of what she said earlier "Nikki I dont want to be just a 'great friend' I want to be so much more to you"
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: sure you could *she start walking done the road*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* Leaving me so soon Bara? (Nikki) *Her smile falters as she looks at him and, after establishing the he isn't joking slides off his stomach and looks atthe ground hugging her knees slently*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i wouldn't be leaving if you came with me
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks at her relizing that she didnt feel the same way looks to the ground "I I'm sorry Nikki" stands up and turnd to walks away
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grabs his wrist quickly but still stays silent, focusing on the same spot* (grace) But i'm too tired to walkkkk..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) then use something use to move
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) Nahh..I'll jus lay here for a while maytee..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks back at her stopping
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Keeps a tight hold on his wrist and whispers softly* Stay with me..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: walks back over sitting beside her
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) then i'll move you *smirks and pick her with vines*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs closing her eyes* Can let me rest anywhere in peace huh? (nikki) *Leans her head on his shoulder still whispering* It's not that I don't love you..I'm just ..confused..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: puts an arm around her"its ok luv I understand"
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara)i can't i don't want to go to a bar i don't know along
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Alright then if you insist...(nikki) *Nods slightly her eyes not moving*
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "I'm so sorry Nikki"
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i do insist
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (GracE) *Laughs* Okay.. (Nikki) *Shakes her head slightly and turns her head to look at him* Don't be..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks at her "I have made things complicated for you and I never meant to"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (nikki) *smiles softly and him and shrugs* It's okay.. things arenever not complicated..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: he looks at the ground
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Puts her arms aroundhim and hugs him lightly* i'm sorry..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: hugs her "its not your fault Nikki its mine, I should have known somone as wonderful as you would be in love with somone"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *shakes her head and pulls back a little looking at him* No..It's notlike that..And..I'm certainly not wonderful..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yes you are Nikki, your the most wonderful person i know"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I'm not..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "yes you are Nikki" smiles at her "believe me"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles slightly and shakes her head a little but stays quiet*
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: holds her close
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles softly and tilts her head to look up at you*
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: smiles down at her running his fingers through her hair
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) ok then *start walking*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) Looks down slightly but stays where she is getting lost in her thoughts. (Grace) *laughs and lays across the vines* take a left up here..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: starts thinking and stares at the sky
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) sure *she does*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *smiles and jumps down next to her* I think we keeps going straight here..(Nikki) Keto...Why are some people such horrible things?
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i'm just going to follow you
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "hmmmmm" looks at her "well I can't answer that question Nikki, because I dont know the answer"
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) Heh..Shame..(grace) *Grins* but I could lead you anywhere Bara..
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: "why were you wanting to know Nikki, because I'm pretty sure almost noone could answer that"
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah but where the worses you could take me?
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (nikki) *Shrugs slightly and stays silent* (Grace) *Laughs* Umm..I don't know..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) i thought so *smirks*
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: looks at the sky once more
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *stands out of Keto's arms and slips out of her dress and into the water, swimming to the bottom and sitting there relaxing slightly* (Grace) *Laughs* How about a male stippers club?
2007-08-09 [Elf_Person]: watches her laying on the back
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Looks up at him with a smile on her face and waves*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (bara) are you sure you would get in?
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Easy..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) so you did this before?
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Nope..And I don't want to now..I was jus trying to think of somewhere you might not like..*Grins*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) are you sure? *smirks*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* About which part?
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: (Bara) that you have been to a club
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smirks* Very sure. I have better things to do with my time..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: i bet *smirks and walks off*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: **shakes her head and stops, laughing*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *she smirks and looks back at her*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles and starts walking again, past her and then right*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *she walks with her*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles at her* So...you drink much or very little?
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: it depends on what it is
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *shrugs* Wondered and all with your age...
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: and what about my age?
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well you said you were 21 yes? Well Some your age drink a lot..Some don't, I was just wondering how big my bill was gonna be, or if I was jus gonna have to play a few tricks..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: Well if your paying i'm going to drink a lot
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins* fine.
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *smiles* good
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs, Grabbing her arm* You were meant to turn here..*smirks and pulls her in the right direction*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *follows her*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and stops* Here..This place should do..
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *smiles* ok then *walks in*
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *walks in after her and takes a seat* I'll let you order for me..*laughs*
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: *looks over at her* what are you going to get me?
2007-08-09 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *grins* You can get something for you too if you like..I'll pay later.
2007-08-09 [shadows of life]: sure
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and rocks back in her seat* I'll leave it to you to order then..*smiles*
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *looks at her* sure
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Calls over a waiter and looks to bara*
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *looks up at her and orders*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles as the waier walks away* so..you like it here? It's one of the better ones to be honest..
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: yeah it nice here
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiels* Good..
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *smiles* yup
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: So..What now?
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *shrugs*
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles taking off his jacket and shirt diving in
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Laughs and swims past him to the surface* (Grace) *smirks* Useful arent we?
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah i am
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: follows her up to the suface smiling
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) Maybe you are *Grins* I ain't... (Nikki) *Grins at him and splashes water over Keto*
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: laughs splashing Nikki
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) well maybe
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *grins* Right.. (nikki) *Smiles and pushes him under then swims after him*
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah so where are drinks
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *shrugs* Call em over..
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles and swims to the bottom waiting for her
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *the drink comes over*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *swims after him and sticks her tongue out* (Grace) *Laughs* Uh..which is mine?
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: swims up to her wraping his arms around her
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) there both the same *he smirks and looks over at her*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smiles slightly and hugs him loosely* (grace) *smiles and takes one* thanks..
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles wanting to kiss her
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) welcome *smiles and take her*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grinsand spins in his arms* ~I just love the water..~ *Stops and looks at him* ~Dont you?~ (Grace) *grins* So what's in it?
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) what ever is in beer *smirks*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *smirks and gulps hers down setting it on the table* Fair enough.
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~yeah I do~ smiles taking her hand spinning her around
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *she smiles*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins at him brightly and hugs him*
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: hugs her smiling at her
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles slying and pulls away from him before swimming away* ~You're it Keto...~
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: laughs swimming after her
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and watches him over her shoulder increasing her speed*
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles using the water to slow her down
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smirks and breaks his control sliding easily through the water*
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~very good my luv~ speeds up and grabs hold of her hand
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins and pulls her hand from his increasing her speed, cutting through the water easily* ~Oh yeah??~
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~your it luv~ swims the oppisite way
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((...so))
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles slightly and appears in front of him moving to the side tapping him with her foot and swimming away * (Grace) *smiles at her* you arent a lightweight are you?
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~hey~ appears infront of her wrapping his arms around her
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) what you mean?
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *grins up at him tilting her head innocently* ~Whaat?~ (grace) Do you get drunk easily?
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~nothing luv~ smiles kissing her lovingly
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) nope *smiles and take a drink*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Blushes brightly and kisses him back a little before turning her head to the side slightly* ~What was that for?~ (Grace) *Laughs* Then you aren't a lightweight..
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~it was because I love you Nikki~ looks at her
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Blushes slightly more and looks down* ~Oh ..Yeah..I remember now..~
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles and finishes her* you know what?
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~rember what my luv~
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~Uh..I forget things sometimes when i'm in the water, out of my enjoyment and that...~ (grace) *Smirks* What?
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~oh~ laughs alittle feeling alittle hurt blocking his thoughts ~how could she forget that I loved her~
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) some plants make the beer better
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* Is that so? (Nikki) ~I#m sorry..And dont ask what for..I can see it on your face..I didnt mean it like that~
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~you don't have to be sorry~
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~Well I am~
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles* yes that is
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Laughs* You'll have to prove that to me..
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: smiles loosining his grip
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~Keto..I didn't mean it like that..~
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) maybe i have
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Raises a brow* and what plants might these be?
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~I didnt say you did Niki~
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) what in the beer
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~You didn't have to..but you did block your mind..And it was plainly written over your face..~ *smiles slightly* (grace) *Laughs* Yep! (ByE))
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Bara) just beer *smiles* ((see you))
2007-08-10 [Elf_Person]: ~Nikki its just that~ goes silent (bye)
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Hii)) (nikki) ~Just that..?~ (Grace) *Laughs* Okay..
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((hey bara?))
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Eek. NOT MY FAULT!)
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((ok)) *smiles(
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Kinda hyperish)) so..another?
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((i see)) sure *order more*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ i wont be on for two weeks after tonight btw lol)) *smiles and drinsk half hers easily* i drink fast..By the way *smirks*
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((Why?)) that good *she smirks*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Holidayyyy! ^_^)) *Laughs* Why?
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: ((cool) your paying
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Mhmm very.)) *Laughs and shrugs* Oh well..*drinks the rest of hers* Bring it on..
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: hmm...so when you get drunk? *smirks and downs her*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *grins* It will take a very long time..
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: what if it blood for a drunk
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well that would get me tipsy easily *Laughs*
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *smirks* be right back *walks up to the bar*
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* right..
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: *walks back with a glass* this is for you
2007-08-10 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *grins and looks into it and sniffs it a little* Planning on getting me drunk bara?
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: no *she smiles and sit down* come just drink it
2007-08-10 [Empty~Soul]: ((woohoo i got to dye my hair black!!))
2007-08-10 [Empty~Soul]: ((^_^)) (luna) *jumps off a roof and walks to the park*
2007-08-10 [shadows of life]: (Kato) hey sweetie
2007-08-10 [Empty~Soul]: (luna) hello luv
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